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Useful for connecting to sites without adding them to the address book. This
command supports the following options:

HOST          Internet address or IP number to connect to.

PORT/N/K      Port number of site to connect to.

USER          User name for a non-anonymous FTP account.

PASSWORD=PASS The password for logging into a non-anonymous FTP account.

DIR/K         The initial directory to display in the lister.

LISTER/N/K    The lister handle of an existing Opus lister. This is very
              useful for ARexx scripts.

SITE/K        To connect to a site in the address book using it's custom
              settings etc use this keyword and  the site name as shown in
              the address book.  Example, FTPConnect SITE Aminet

GUI/S         Causes the Connect requester to always be displayed even when
              sufficient details have been given to connect to a site without

NOSCAN/S      Causes the initial directory to not be scanned into the lister.
              This can be useful in ARexx  scripts which log in to a site and
              download files that are known to exist without wasting the time
              to scan the directory first.

RECON/S       Causes the connection to be re-established if lost for any

The FTPConnect command now accepts industry standard URL syntax such as:-

 user:password@host:port/path  (all but host are optional)

* Many anonymous FTP sites have a maximum number of users.  If you attempt to
  log in to such a site without using a log window you will not see the
  message which explains this.  In such cases OpusFTP will display the
  message "User name failed".  This error message can also appear if the
  remote site does do not support anonymous logins.